Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Photo Challenge Days 16, 17, and 18

So, I missed a day. Sad.
But, I picked back up where I left off and have the last two days, plus today ready now.

I'll start with Day 16, which was long exposure. I am still not a photographer *giggle*, and still using the point and shoot. I found out my more advanced camera is broken anyway, so I will have to figure out some of these things using teh google.
Anyway, I did this using the flash(light) from two iPhones. I know some of it is out of the frame of the picture, but I was tired and happy to get this as it was.

Day 17 was technology. I wish I had an iPad so I could copy the idea from another blog, but alas I don't. Here's my Kindle, which I should most definitely use more often. Who ever thought that a portable device for reading books would become not only a reality, but a successful one?

I actually remember when the Kindles first came out. At the time, they were around $400 dollars or so, and I knew of a girl (an avid reader) who got one. I thought that there would be no way I'd ever own one, and here we are now where it seems like everyone has one!

Today, (my new day 18) was "your shoes". I guess it could be interpreted in a few ways - such as the shoes you are wearing today, or all the shoes you own.

It is nap time while I am doing this today, so I went with the shoes that are by the garage door (much to my husband's dismay). They happen to just all be different colors of Old Navy flip flops, $2.50 is hard to beat! I actually have a few more colors in my closet, but these are the ones I've worn most recently. I was so happy to finally get a purple pair this year, as they have always been sold out in my size in the past by the time I get over there.

I probably should wear more supportive shoes, but these are so easy. Plus, I would have to buy more cute shoes if I was going to do that, haha.

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